Michael Kashey

My artistic exploration is deeply rooted in the intricate organization of nature, serving as both a muse and a guide in my creative journey. Through my work, I aim to capture the essence of natural forms and patterns, while simultaneously experimenting with various media and processes to express my interpretations. Fiber arts and painting serve as my primary mediums, allowing me to blend textures, colors, and techniques in unique ways. Within these mediums, I often ncorporate embellishments inspired by the organic world, adding layers of complexity and depth to my pieces. My process is one of constant experimentation and discovery. I dabble in different design principles, such as balance, rhythm, and harmony, to create compositions that evoke a sense of both familiarity and wonder. Each piece becomes a playground for exploration, as I seek to push the boundaries of my craft and uncover new facets of nature's beauty. Ultimately, my art is a reflection of my fascination with the natural world and its endless capacity for inspiration. It is a testament to the power of creativity and imagination to connect us to something greater than ourselves, inviting viewers to contemplate the wonders that surround us and the beauty that lies within.

The Artists